
788 results

Health records complaints

If you believe someone has inappropriately handled your health records you can make an official complaint to the Health Services Commissioner. If the Health Complaints Commissioner cannot resolve the complaint you can ask them to refer the matter to VCAT.

Information privacy complaints

If you believe someone has breached your right to information privacy, for example by inappropriately collecting, using or disclosing your personal information, you can make an official complaint to the Victorian Information Commissioner.

Legal practice disputes

The Legal Practice List hears and decides disputes between lawyers and clients about legal services and costs, and cases about lawyers’ conduct.

Dispute legal costs or seek compensation

We hear cases about disputed legal costs and compensation claims regarding legal services.

Retail and commercial leases

VCAT hears and decides cases about retail tenancies and commercial leasing disputes.

Applications about natural resources

VCAT can hear and determine disputes about the management and use of water and earth resources such as rock and sand.

Application for a declaration under environment and resources laws

VCAT has the power to make declarations or an order some environment and natural resources laws. A declaration can determine the meaning or effect of provisions in an act, notice, licence, permit or the like. A declaration or order may also be used to decide whether a decision made by the original decision-making authority is valid.

Make another type of environment and resources application

VCAT can deal with a range of disputes about the use, development or management of natural resources or the protection of the environment.

Other things we can help with – Guardians and administrators

We can help resolve some issues or give you advice about existing guardians, administrators, supportive guardians or supportive administrators.

Supportive guardians and administrators

A supportive administrator or supportive guardian helps an adult act on their own decisions, when the person has a neurological or intellectual impairment, a mental disorder, a brain injury, a physical disability, or dementia.