You can apply to VCAT if you are an acquiring authority or you have an interest in land that is being acquired and you do not agree with the compensation amount being claimed or offered or if there has been no offer or claim made.
You can apply to VCAT if you are an owner or occupier of land and you are affected by a decision of a council to classify or not classify land as of a particular type.
We review decisions made by government organisations about the use and development of natural resources such as water, rock, gravel, or sand, or decisions about activities or developments that can affect the environment.
VCAT can review decisions made about licenses, permits, registrations, authorisations, notices, Better Environment Plans, financial assurances and site management orders.
If you represent a traditional owner group and believe there is activity that is – or will be – in breach of a land use agreement under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010, you can apply to VCAT.
If you are concerned about an advance care directive or a medical treatment decision made by either the medical treatment decision maker or the person who made the appointment, apply to VCAT.
If you are a someone else’s medical treatment decision maker or health practitioner, you can apply to get advice or direction from VCAT about whether a form of medical treatment is appropriate for that person, including about advance care directives.