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123 results
Useful Supreme Court and VCAT decisions about renting
Find summaries of past cases about rental disputes that you may find useful.
657.25 KB
Application to reopen an order
Use this form to apply to VCAT for a review of an order that affects you, on the grounds that you did not appear and were not represented at t
360.34 KB
File and document access request form
Use this form to apply for access to a VCAT document or file. A VCAT file is sometimes called a tribunal book.
73.01 KB
217.64 KB
Summons to appear form and affidavit of service
Use this form to ask us to issue a summons for a person to attend a hearing (usually by phone or video conference), and give ev
Form 5 - Notice to witness
The Notice to Witness must be completed and attached to a summons to appear when the summonsed person is interstate.
304.24 KB
Sample affidavit in support of an interstate summons to appear
See an example of an affidavit in support of a summons that will be served outside Victoria.
Example orders for summons to appear when recipient is interstate
See examples of VCAT orders related to issuing a summons to appear when the summonsed person is outside Victoria.
Request by rental provider for Warrant of Possession
If VCAT has made a possession order, rental provider (landlords) and their agents may use this form to request a Warrant of Possession.
163.17 KB