
123 results

Guide for cancellation and amendment of permits

This guide provides a summary of the procedures VCAT uses to cancel or amend a permit under Division 3 of the Planning and Environment Act

Will and preferences checklist

If there is a VCAT application about you to determine whether you need a guardian or administrator, use the form 

Will and preferences worksheet

If you are a relative, carer or close friend of a person involved in a VCAT case to determine whether they need a guardian or administrator, use th

What is important to you? Will and preferences worksheet

If you are involved in case about whether a guardian or administrator should be appointed for you, complete this form.

Renter (tenant) financial circumstances statement

If you are a renter who is being taken to VCAT due to unpaid rent, use this form to provide us with details about your financial situation.

Request an audio recording or transcript of a hearing

Use this form if you want a recording or transcript of a VCAT hearing.