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Planning and environment resource hub
Access news and resources for cases about planning, land valuation, and environment and resources.

What you need to know about Practice Days
We’ve launched a new information series to share key findings from practice day decisions in Planning and Environment cases. These decisions offer helpful insights into tribunal processes.
News and updates
Planning & Environment update: faster resolution of cases
We're making important changes to how cases are managed to make for shorter waiting times and faster case resolution.
Reminders for efficient processing of emails
To ensure your application proceeds as quickly as possible, here are a few reminders when emailing the Planning and Environment Division.
What you need to know about practice days
Practice day hearings deal with directions, interim orders or procedural applications in the Planning List and Environment and Resources List.
To view all our updates, click here.
We aim to improve knowledge in the community so people can more effectively participate in VCAT planning and environment cases.
You can watch or listen to some of our past recordings below.
How to effectively draft consent orders in a planning and environment case
VCAT Senior Member Sam Cimino shares tips on how to write consent orders. He discusses legal matters you should consider when you have settled a case with other parties outside proceedings or during compulsory conferences.
PowerPoint presentation | Video transcript
For more information on consent orders, see our guide to consent orders and samples of consent orders.
Planning and Environment Act 1987
- Current objector applications for review
- Parties in planning disputes
- Role of responsible authorities in planning disputes
- Amend or cancel a permit under section 87A
- Amend or cancel a permit under section 87 or 89
- Enforcement orders under the Planning and Environment Act 1987
- Other planning disputes under the Planning and Environment Act 1987
- About the Short Cases List
- About the Fast Track List
General procedures
Feedback and suggestions
We welcome your feedback. Let us know of any content you want to see, or just tell us what you think of this hub.