Disciplinary charges against a lawyer

Only the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner can apply to VCAT for disciplinary orders against a lawyer.

If someone makes a complaint to the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner about the professional conduct of a legal professional, the Commissioner usually investigates. The Commissioner may then apply to VCAT for disciplinary orders.

The person who makes the original complaint to the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner is called the complainant. The complainant is not a party to the VCAT case.

Do I need a lawyer or professional representative?

If you are a respondent to an application by the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner for disciplinary orders you may have legal representation if you wish.

Access and privacy

VCAT hearings and files are usually public.

VCAT has limited authority to restrict who can access cases and files but, in certain circumstances, you can apply for confidentiality.

Other organisations that may help

VCAT can't offer you legal advice. Below are organisations that may be able to help with your case.

Law Institute of Victoria (LIV)

Advice on the Victorian legal system and how to find a lawyer.

Victorian Bar

You can find a barrister yourself on the Victorian Bar website.