Review of differential rating

You can apply to VCAT if you are an owner or occupier of land and you are affected by a decision of a council to classify or not classify land as of a particular type.

Make this application for review under section 183 of the Local Government Act 1989.

The provisions of Part III of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 apply to a review under this section with any necessary modifications.

Cases VCAT can hear

VCAT can hear applications for review of a classification for differential rating.

Cases VCAT can't hear

We cannot hear disputes relating to the definition adopted by a council for a differential rating category.

Cases we can't help with

We can’t accept:

  • some cases where one party lives in another state or is a Commonwealth government organisation
  • cases heard under federal law instead of Victorian law.

Before you apply

You need to have a copy of the first rate notice received with the classification for differential rates that the applicant disputes.

Time limits

The owner or occupier must make an application for review within 60 days after the day they receive their first rate notice.


We can explain the application process and what the form is asking you for. Contact us to get support.

We cannot give you legal advice. This means we cannot tell you what to write in your application or recommend how to get the outcome you want.

Seek legal help if you are unsure about your options or need advice about your claim.

Make an application

Learn more about fees or apply for fee relief.

If you have any difficulties with applying online, contact us on 1300 01 8228.

Do I need a lawyer or professional representative?

You do not need to have legal or other professional representation to appear at VCAT. If you wish to be represented by a lawyer or a professional advocate, usually you must ask for VCAT's permission.

Find legal services that may be able to assist you.

Access and privacy

VCAT hearings and files are usually public. We have limited authority to restrict who can access cases and files but, in certain circumstances, you can apply for confidentiality.

Legislation that applies to this type of case

Organisations that may be able to help you

VCAT can't offer you legal advice. Below are organisations that may be able to help with your case.

Valuer-General Victoria

Decides on council rating valuations and valuation for State Government property transactions.