
314 results

Recordings and transcripts of VCAT hearings

Anyone can request an audio recording or a written transcript of a hearing.

Information privacy complaints

If you believe someone has breached your right to information privacy, for example by inappropriately collecting, using or disclosing your personal information, you can make an official complaint to the Victorian Information Commissioner.

Prepare your submission for the hearing – Planning disputes

Before your planning dispute is heard at VCAT, you’ll need to prepare a submission. Find out how.

Our commitment to you

VCAT is a low cost, accessible, efficient and independent tribunal delivering high quality dispute resolution processes, including through alternative dispute resolution.

Taxation Administration Act 1997 (referral)

A taxpayer who is unhappy with the Commissioner’s determination of their objection about an assessment or other decision may request that the Commissioner refer the matter to VCAT.

Short cases

Learn about how you can apply to be heard as a short case in a planning dispute at VCAT.

Health records complaints

If you believe someone has inappropriately handled your health records you can make an official complaint to the Health Services Commissioner. If the Health Complaints Commissioner cannot resolve the complaint you can ask them to refer the matter to VCAT.

Join a VCAT case - Guardians and administrators

If you want to join a VCAT case about guardians or administrators, find out what your options are and what you need to do.

Preliminary hearings

Preliminary hearings are held only for some cases. We hold preliminary hearings to resolve issues that need to be decided on before the final hearing.

Prepare for the hearing

It’s important to prepare for your hearing day. There are documents to organise and decisions to make so you’re ready to present the best case possible.