
328 results

Preliminary hearings

Preliminary hearings are held only for some cases. We hold preliminary hearings to resolve issues that need to be decided on before the final hearing.

Prepare for the hearing

It’s important to prepare for your hearing day. There are documents to organise and decisions to make so you’re ready to present the best case possible.

Archived news

Find VCAT news from previous years.

I need a refund

If you didn’t get the product you paid for, there are laws to protect you. Rachel came to VCAT because she wanted to get a refund.

New laws about pets in rental properties

New laws about pets in Victorian rental properties start on Monday 2 March 2020.

Reviews and rehearings

If you or your representative had a reasonable excuse for not attending the hearing, you can apply for a rehearing.

If you can't come to VCAT

Missing your date with VCAT means you won’t get the chance to have your say in the dispute, and VCAT may make a decision that affects you. Understand what your options are if you can’t come.

Compensation on acquisition of an interest in land

You can apply to VCAT if you are an acquiring authority or you have an interest in land that is being acquired and you do not agree with the compensation amount being claimed or offered or if there has been no offer or claim made.

I need urgent repairs

If you’ve asked your landlord for repairs and they haven’t been fixed in reasonable time, you can apply to VCAT. Tom came to VCAT and got his leaking roof fixed.

Feedback and complaints

VCAT is established by an Act of Parliament and is given jurisdiction by enabling enactments. We can only do what the law authorises us to do.