
36 results

Statement of grounds - Planning

Use this form to set out your reasons for contesting a planning case. Do not use this form to contest enforcement applications.

Statement of grounds - Environment and resources

Use this form to set out your reasons for contesting an environment and resources case at VCAT.

Statement of grounds by a respondent - Enforcement

Use this form to set out your position if you are a respondent to an application for an enforcement order at VCAT and you are objecting to the maki

Statement of grounds by an affected person - Enforcement

Use this form to set out your position if you are an affected person in an application for enforcement order at VCAT.

How to pay VCAT fees

Understand concession cards, fee relief and how to pay fees.

Make another type of environment and resources application

VCAT can deal with a range of disputes about the use, development or management of natural resources or the protection of the environment.

How to get ready for your hearing

Learn how to prepare for your hearing and what to bring.

What other fees could I be charged?

We provide services that support you to prepare for and come to VCAT. 

These include when you want to:

How do I prepare a tribunal book?

VCAT may direct you to submit a tribunal book if your Planning and Environment case involves many parties and expert witnesses.

Changes to being added as a party in planning permit cases

VCAT is introducing changes for cases involving planning permits that sets out how someone can be added as a party.