What do you want to do ?
Disability support services
Accessibility of venues
Most of our hearing locations are accessible. Contact us for specific accessibility information about our venues.
Support for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
We can arrange an assistive listening device or hearing loop for your hearing, compulsory conference or mediation.
If you need to use an assistive device at our venue, complete the application to use technology.
If you require an AUSLAN interpreter and/or captioning, please email vcat.disability.access@courts.vic.gov.au and our disability liaison officer will assist.
Read more on how we support people with disability.
Video and telephone links
If you are unable to physically attend a hearing, you may be able to get access by telephone or video conference.
Complete the application to use technology to organise alternative arrangements.
Disability Liaison Officers
Our Disability Liaison Officers can support you to access our services and venues.
To help you, they may have to share information about your disability with others. But they will only share these details with your permission.
Disability Liaison Officers can:
- provide advice about our available support services and the accessibility of our venues
- give accessible entry points to our venues
- organise an accessible room for your hearing, mediation or compulsory conference
- organise appropriate hearing arrangements; for example, interpreter and resting rooms
- coordinate alternative format materials; for example, email, phone, audio, National Relay Service
- refer support services, including legal representatives for free legal advice and advocacy
- coordinate other disability-related adjustments and organise practical arrangements.
How to request a Disability Liaison Officer
By email
Email vcat.disability.access@courts.vic.gov.au.
Provide your full name, preferred contact details and case file number. If you do not know your case file number, provide a brief overview of the case.
A Disability Liaison Officer will contact you within three business days.
By phone
Call 1300 01 8228 and request a Disability Liaison Officer.
Provide us with your full name and case file number. If you don't know your case file number, provide a brief overview of the case.
We will contact you within three business days.